The Liberty Court Player for Mac is a no-cost program that may be downloaded from the following link: Liberty Court Player for Mac V4.3.
The Liberty Court Player for Mac OS 10.9 and later facilitates playback of Liberty “.dcr” multi-channel recordings files created by the Liberty Recorder on an Apple Mac computer.
This Mac version of the Liberty Player has all of the transcription facilities found in the original Windows player program, including support for the VEC Infinity foot pedal to control playback.
To use a foot pedal with the Mac Player, a user should:
- Connect the foot pedal to the computer.
- Launch Player program.
- Select the “LCR Player->Preferences” menu and go to the “Foot Pedal” tab.
- Check the “Use Foot Pedal” checkbox.
- Select the VEC Infinity foot pedal from the drop-down list.
- Click the “Foot pedal settings…” button and select the desired settings.
The screen capture below shows the Foot Pedal preferences window.
The screen capture below shows the Foot Pedal settings window.
The screen capture below shows the General Preference window.
The screen capture below shows the Playback Preference window.
The screen capture below shows the Hotkey Preference window.